So that River Wolfe short story I told you about, Rebellion, is in progress still, and I’ve got a better sense now about what I’m doing with it.
The thing is, it’s long.
Hella-long. Because of course it is, I can’t fucking write short stories. *sigh*
It’s not so much a short story as it is a novella and I envision it coming in at around 20-25K. I’m squeezing it in around my very busy work schedule, which is why it isn’t done yet.
After debating it myself and batting it around with other people, I’ve decided it’ll temporarily be free for a few days (serialized, as it’s divided into four sections), and then I’ll take it down and have it for sale instead. I debated a tip jar but those aren’t very effective and a bitch has got to get paid for the amount of time I’ve sunk into this thing.
Right now the tentative schedule* looks like this:
- Rebellion will be available to Patrons of the Snarky Arts exclusively for a week or two.
- March 13, the book will be added for sale to my online shop (and Payhip for shoppers in EU countries); like 9 Crimes, this story is NOT remotely standalone, I may not sell on other sites.
- Starting Monday, March 16, a new part will post to my blog every day through Thursday, March 19.
- The story will stay up through Friday for people to catch up (possibly Saturday).
- Saturday/Sunday March 21/22 it will come down from the blog and be for sale.
I’ll be selling it for $2.99 as that’s what my novellas usually go for. (There might MIGHT be a surprise included at the end too, I’m still debating.)
It’s also not standalone. I am writing it with the assumption that you’ve read River.
This means you’ve got about a month to buy the first book and get caught up. You can find it for $3.99 on Kindle, Kobo, Nook, OmniLit, Smashwords, iTunes, Payhip, and direct. (If you buy direct or on Payhip and want to save $1, enter the coupon code “rebellion” (no quotes) at checkout.) There’s also paperback via Amazon.
If you’re not sure if you’ll like it, um, here are some people who did?
*”tentative schedule” because things are rough right now; I have a bunch of upcoming doctor appointments and due to some med changes, there’s a chance my illness is going to get bad again soon. Plus I have a fuckton of editing on my plate for the next four weeks, which zaps a lot of my brain that I use for writing. Please don’t yell at me if the schedule changes, ‘kay?