The River Wolfe duology follows the titular character, an alpha female wolf turned into a human teen, as she vows to return to her pack and struggles to deal with humanity.
There are currently only two novels in the series. The third planned book was cancelled due to heavy piracy of River, and there are currently no plans to return to it, so at this time Wolfe closes the series.

Now available in ebook and paperback wherever books are sold.
Although River originally released in 2006, it was thoroughly revised and re-released in August 2014 after a successful IndigoGoGo campaign.
Wolfe originally released in 2009, however it is presently out of print pending a thorough rewrite. I currently have no ETA on the release date, although I hope to come back to it soon.

Shorts & Novellas

A companion novella to River, set both prior to the main novel as well as during it. From Daryl Marsden’s point of view.
Available in ebook March 2015.
Sign up for either my quarterly newsletter or my new release one if you’d like to know when Wolfe is available. Have a question about these books? It might be answered in the FAQ.
Series Reviews
I would implore all fans of romance to buy [Wolfe] and read it, because while it is not your average romance novel, it is a story about love. Not just the happily-ever-after fairy tale kind, the real kind, the sort of love that takes two people and cements them together in relationships that are like lighthouses on rocky shores. In a world where too often ‘romance’ is synonymous with ‘superficial’, Wolfe is a tale that runs deeper. It was only once I’d put the book down that I realised through the absorbing entertainment, frequent laughs, and thought-provoking emotional pieces, Skyla Dawn Cameron had gently led me as reader through a thorough study of a raw, real, committed love. I’d have given it seven books if I could.
–Long and Short Reviews
At last, here is a novel about werewolves where they actually exhibit wolf-like qualities! The author has clearly done her research, and knows something about real-life wolves. These true-life details bring an element of realism to the novel that makes River’s journey even more compelling. As for River herself, she is a fascinating character who balances cynicism with dark humor. Her wolf nature and her initial hatred of all things human mean that she seldom bothers to hold back, either with her words or her fists, a situation that at first makes her an outsider but later places her in the position of protector to her friends and foster-brother. But, beyond the frequent action that kept me riveted, RIVER is a story about learning to accept oneself, about forgiveness for past mistakes, and about the love of friends and family–or of a wolf for her pack. This book is a permanent addition to my keeper shelf, and will be revisited many times in the years to come.
–Jordan Corvidae, author
5 Klovers! No one would ever guess that RIVER is a debut novel unless you told them! Skyla Dawn Cameron has perfectly captured the angst of the teenage years in a format that will appeal to adults as well as teens. RIVER is not your typical werewolf story by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, the wolf theme serves almost more as a symbol. Fans looking for a unique twist on the werewolf theme need look no further than RIVER as Skyla Dawn Cameron is definitely an author to keep an eye on!
With her impressive debut novel, author Skyla Dawn Cameron accomplishes what few others have by bringing much needed and refreshing innovation to the werewolf story. RIVER is not only a fascinating twist on the wolf-bites-man plot, but a novel in which the werewolf is a bright, witty and humorous young female. This is an entertaining read for anyone who likes fiction, but for fans of the fantasy/paranormal genre–RIVER is a must-have for your book shelf!
–Lori Johnson, author of PEOPLE OF THE BEAR, reviewed at Amazon
A good book with twists and turns that ensnares the reader and keeps them interested. A different approach to the werewolf story to be sure, but worth the read for that very reason.”
–Coffee Time Romance
I like the way the author didn’t compromise the authenticity of the character to create a “lovable” werewolf heroine. That’s not to say that River is not likable at times — she is, but the reason lies in her genuineness.
–Mayra Calvani, BlogCritics
RIVER, the debut novel from Skyla Dawn Cameron, provides a fresh and unique take on the werewolf legend. Filled with twists and turns, the novel propels the reader along on a riveting journey of discovery. River Wolfe is a heroine for the new millennium–attractive, smart and tough as nails! RIVER should absolutely not be missed!
–Judy Bagshaw, bestselling author LADY BLUE; AT LONG LAST, LOVE
This is a terrific book, filled with unique and well-drawn characters, realistic dialogue, and a great deal of humor, as River has to deal with a sudden and undesired transformation into a species that makes no sense to her. Nor do her friends understand her most of the time, but they feel the effects of her nature as she struggles to recover the pack she lost.
–Marc Vun Kannon for ParaNormalRomance Reviews
River is a powerful and new take on your typical young adult paranormal story and I absolutely loved it! The character of River was well written and not toned down one bit. She was exactly how I would picture someone who didn’t start out as human. Her language skills, understanding of the world (or lack of), her opinions on the world and humans; all of it is written realistically. She didn’t just magically learn to be 100% human in a scant three years. Actually all of the characters were well written and realistic. The situations described are ones that you can easily see in any high school. All in all this was a fabulous story and I can’t wait to read the next installment!
–Becky at