In dark times, we all need heroes, and there are plenty in fiction—reminders that women can fight monsters and win, especially when life is sadly not imitating art.
Not only do I want to give you some escapism with a few heroic characters, I want you to get to be a hero too. Now more than ever, various organizations are going to be on the front lines for the rights of others, and they rely on donations from people like you.

I’m working with my partner in eviltry, Dina James, to raise some money for some worthy causes. For every dollar you give to Planned Parenthood and/or RAINN during the month of November (from the start of the month—it counts if you’ve already donated), you get an entry into a giveaway pack for the following goodies:
- A signed print copy of Solomon’s Seal (Need a hero? Meet Livi Talbot.)
- An e-arc of Livi #2, Odin’s Spear, and a signed print copy when it’s available next year
- A signed print copy of River (Want to stand up for others without giving a fuck if people like you? Hi, River Wolfe.)
- Tomb Raider, starring Angelina Jolie, in Blu-Ray
- A hand-knit pair of handwarmers (not pictured—those are mine) in your preferred colour, because every hero and heroine in the apocalyptic future needs handwarmers
To enter after you’ve donated, forward the email receipt showing proof of donation to contest [at] skyladawncameron [dot] com
Donate $20 to Planned Parenthood? Get twenty entries. Donate $10 to Planned Parenthood and $10 to RAINN? Get twenty entries. Donate $5 to RAINN? Get five entries. The more you give, the more chances you get, but even donating as little as $1 gets you in the running. You have until 11:59EST on November 30 to enter.
While my contest is not US/Canada only and I’ll ship internationally (using the slow, cheap option–apologies), I’m pretty sure the movie is Region A. If that’s not your region and you don’t want the movie, I’ll draw another winner for it. If $500 or more is raised for all charities combined (the two I picked, and the two Dina picked–I’ll get those numbers from her), I’ll add a second prize pack (which may contain a different movie, I’ll see what I can find).
It doesn’t stop there: next head over to Dina James’ site where donations to The Trevor Project and/or the Trans Lifeline will enter you to win one of two amazing hero prize packs as well.
Remember: what is happening right now is not normal. It is not going to be fine. You are not crazy for noticing. This cannot be normalized and everyone has to pick up the fight in every way they can for as long as they can.
Rise. Resist. Rebel.
And don’t forget to read.