Alternate title: Hauntings and Steps
Next week I’ve got a Patreon post going up about my reset days–not the Day Reset I talked about here, but turning off the WiFi at least once a week first thing in the morning has been helping with burnout. I got the new Waverly novella (which was supposed to be a short story) done and a round of revision in, a big revision pass on Taiga Ridge done, and other stuff the past few weeks.
The new novella is Haunting at Hayward House, about Waverly being asked to investigate a haunted house, and it’ll be included with The Killing Beach as part of a collection coming to StoryBundle this May, curated by Margaret at Tyche Books.
I thought it would be a short story, aiming for 5K, figuring it would come in just under 10K.
It’s…currently sitting at 20K.
I have to do another pass on it to add some flesh and tension, and trim some stuff out, but I expect the final count to still be over 20K. 😬 I’ll be able to reuse it later as well–it takes place after the fourth book, so next year when that comes out in hardcover, this will be included in the bonus section there, along with another short (yes, actually short) story I’ve already written.
Still, I’ve declared we’d better sell a bazillion copies of this bundle when it’s live.
Speaking of StoryBundle–I need review quotes for Waverly, preferably specifically The Killing Beach. If you’re an author or a reviewer who has read it and can give me a line or two for a blurb, I would appreciate it! I would like to avoid looking at store sites and GoodReads for reviews if possible, for my mental health lol. I mostly reuse review quotes from other books when I need them (I do not send out review copies; it’s stressful and I’ve had some bad experiences), but I need to supply ones specific to The Killing Beach. As thanks, I can send you an e-copy of the new novella when it’s done in May!

I’ve been getting my steps in this week while working on taxes–it’s such a mess, tracking everything from both my writing business and my freelance business and getting it all sorted. My writing income is up a little from 2022, which surprised me since there was no new Livi book (although Charon’s Gold didn’t do well, a new one in the series tends to give the others a boost) and my other new releases did really poorly, but it’s basically Patreon’s influence–sixty percent of my writing income is from patron support. I don’t think I can possibly thank everyone sufficiently, but it truly is making a massive difference.
So about 8500 of my steps today came while I was doing taxes, because combining two things I don’t want to do but need to is apparently the way to actually get them done. If only I could talk and walk at the same time, I’d knock some phone calls off my list, but having to focus really hard on processing auditory information means I’d likely trip and break something.
I feel like I’m finally crawling my way out of burnout, so hopefully another few weeks of lying low and getting through taxes, medical appointments next month, and freeing up my schedule a little when I get this novella done, I’ll be able to tackle some of my writing to-do list.

Alone at Night Hardcover Update:
I said this on Bluesky but I’ll repeat here: I do not have my new hardcovers yet. They have not even been printed. They will be for sale on Amazon as of April 2 regardless, but I’m annoyed as I was hoping to hand-sell a few signed ones early as I make more (buying on Amazon, I make about $3 on them, which is very little for the extra work that goes into them) and had bought ten, which is a huge chunk of money to part with. So…yes, they are coming! I do not know when! 😬
“The Killing Beach is first in a twisty, intriguing thriller mystery series. New heroine Waverly has a calm, spooky Jessica Jones vibe that I immediately loved. Highly recommend.” – Sue London, Bestselling Author (historical romance)
BLESS YOU, MA’AM. In addition to the novella, I will also endeavour to get a special THANK YOU picture of Shawn in something from his pineapple collection.