Once again, our heroine is victorious, wounded but the one left standing. I wanted Livi #3 done by the end of the month, and by god, I did it.
Physically and mentally, I am completely exhausted. I know some writers get this and some writers don’t, but the feeling is difficult to describe to non-writers.
First of all, the last ten thousand words or so were non-stop action–I am physically tired from the constant running and fighting and running some more. When the survivors got out of the tomb last night, before the book was done, I literally dropped to the floor and lay on the carpet from exhaustion, my heart pounding. (This was a REALLY EXCITING DEVELOPMENT for the cats.)
Second, my brain feels like swiss cheese. Literally, I think if you did an MRI right now, you’d find holes in my brain, little dark spots where the story came out. I can feel them there. All I want are carbs. Pasta, bread, fries, chips. I always stuff those holes with starch and let them repair for a few days.
The rest of me is all raw nerves. I’m a little jittery, sensitive to light and noise, and after humanning today, I went to my bedroom where it was dark (no windows) and my entire body sighed with relief. The changed in me, physically, mentally, and emotionally during the final lunge toward completion are literal and palpable to people around me, particularly with Livi books given how physical they are for the character.
I need at least a few days to repair and recover before I’m myself again; this weekend is for celebratory booze and carbs and working on the gothic romance.
Revision is going to be…rough. I’m taking a few weeks to step back, then I’ll begin the process of trying to sew Livi #3 into something presentable for readers. Then I’ll find out from the beta if I succeeded. I’ve kindly asked Lili to help me with the cover copy. Because it’s going to need very heavy revision, I’m not setting a release date. Best care scenario, late February to fit when it takes place in the book; otherwise I’m hoping for April or so? I am so grateful for reader patience between releases; before I got sick, I probably could’ve kept up with two books a year, but a lot has changed since 2014. Stress could make me sick again, and it’s more important to me to get these books right than whip them off in a couple of months. I promise, no matter what, Livi #3 will be the best goddamn book it can be.
In the meantime, a reminder that Ashford’s Ghost–Livi #2.5–will be a single release in a few months, a Livi Christmas short still will be available in December, and if you have the pennies to chip in on Patreon, folks at $10+ get a monthly dose of West.
For now…for now, I rest and will rise again soon.