It’s time for the Soulless soundtrack!
I really had to dig back for this, I wrote it in 2009 or so, one computer ago. I do recall I wrote huge chunks of it over a couple of days listening to a lot of Leonard Cohen but I don’t remember which songs in particular.
Bill Withers – “Ain’t No Sunshine“
Referenced in the book and what Rafe was humming in the epilogue (as Ani was “gone”).
Wonder this time where she’s gone//Wonder if she’s gone to stay//Ain’t no sunshine when she’s gone
Eva Cassidy – “Ain’t No Sunshine“
I can’t NOT have an Eva Cassidy version of a song if I have the original.
Sarah McLachlan – “Fallen“
Heaven bend to take my hand And lead me through the fire
Evanescence – “Hello“
Don’t try to fix me, I’m not broken
Earlimart – “The World“
Oh, the world is all around us But have you noticed me?
Adele – “Make You Feel My Love“
I could hold you for a million years//To make you feel my love
Dr. John – “I Don’t Wanna Know“
And all around the cold is glistening//Making sure it keeps me down to size.
Willie Nelson – “Bird On The Wire“
Like a baby, stillborn//like a beast with his horn//I have torn everyone who reached out for me.
Eva Cassidy – “Time After Time“
If you fall I will catch you – I’ll be waiting
Ivan Neville – “Why Can’t I Fall In Love?“
This was the love theme for the book, what Rafe and Ani dance to.
I know she’s out there waiting//It’s time to fall in love//And let her know//Just how I feel//Give it up//Or give it all