Set during Exhumed, vampire-warlock Nate O’Connor sets off on his own to discover the truth behind a startling bombshell dropped on him, not only putting him at odds with the woman he loves but risking his life and those around him.
This novella contains SPOILERS for Exhumed. Like, heaps and heaps of them.
Exclusively available on my website for $2.99; you’ll receive a zip file with all ebook formats.
Here’s a review from book blogger Melissa at My World…in words and pages (and it’s spoiler-free–the best kind):
All of these are an ABSOLUTE, MUST READ After Exhumed. It will make your heart feel a little better, and gives Nate’s view….Again, Skyla is talented at a powerful main POV and first person writing. you see only that persons feelings and feel them profusely.
Only available at Payhip!
Here’s the Table of Contents for this release:
9 Crimes (15K words) – Nate novella
Aftermath (5K words) – Nate short
#TheGreatBloodHunt – Nate/Ellie/Nic twitter story
Thrall (5K words) – Nate short (previously published)
Sunrise (3K words) – Nate short (previously published)
And the description of all the bonus stuff:
Aftermath: This covers the twenty-four hours right after the final chapter of Exhumed (but before the Epilogue). Irrevocable choices have been made and now the fallout must be dealt with.
#TheGreatBloodHunt: A post-Exhumed story featuring Nate, Ellie, and Nicolette on Twitter. No, really.
Thrall: The first Nate-POV story, originally included with Bloodlines. Set towards the end of Bloodlines, warlock Nate O’Connor is on the run from those who want him dead–and looking for the one person he can’t bring himself to leave behind.
Sunrise: The second Nate-POV short, originally included with Lineage. Since the worst hasn’t come to pass, warlock Nate O’Connor sets about fortifying cabin where he and Zara are staying and keeping out the coming sunrise.
Bonus Stuff: Complete series of available works in chronological order, blurb of Oblivion (Book #5) and an exclusive look at Solace (#6), the proposed next Zara book.