What Released
I’m don’t think anything big released publicly since the last update in…July? But I do have Hell Fire (Elis O’Connor #4) serializing at Patreon now.

Elis O’Connor has finally crossed to the Oblivion dimension in search of her missing brother, joined by his witch ex-girlfriend Callie Young and part-demon Melinoë Takata.
Even though the dimension is dying, she figures her brother should be easy to find given he’s all but a prince to the creatures there. Instead, she finds a world descended into chaos and war, its former antichrist ruler toppled, and his supporters hunted down and slaughtered.
And the instability of the dimension during its death throes means they don’t have a lot of time left to find Devdan and get home again.
Elis figures at least being in another dimension means some of her troubles—like the police on her trail for her serial-killing extracurricular activities—will be on pause, but unfortunately, she’s not without enemies in Oblivion either.
Because someone believes the sins of the mother should be visited upon the daughter—and as the only child of prolific assassin Zara Lain, there’s a lot Elis can be made to suffer for.
Once again, Patreon is the only place to get these in ebook form, at least until the series is done 2-3 years from now, at which point I’ll consider a wider release (but am not guaranteeing it). There is a chance I’ll be setting the serials up at Ko-fi as a second option, but I don’t have the spare hours in the day right now for that.

We’ve had three Hell Fire bundles of chapters so far. That’ll pause in November for the extended preview of A Wild Kind of Darkness and then the rest will post in December, January, and February.
In August, patrons also got a short story about Gavin from Dweller on the Threshold/Watcher of the Woods and it introduces elements from Stranger in the Halls.
I’m fiddling a little with that book–I’m having trouble figuring out where it starts because it’s structured a little differently than the others, but if you want to know what it’ll be about, you’ll find the rough jacket copy at the end of that story.
What’s Upcoming
In three short weeks, Waverly’s second book releases. A handful of folks already have special edition hardcovers headed their way, though I do have some signed paperbacks still. (I’ll have more hardcovers in stock soon, and they’ll be on Amazon.)

A startling find has altered Waverly Jones’ whole world and given her a reason to stay in her hometown of Port Milton—which means she needs work to pay some bills. So when she’s asked to look into a sixty-year-old double homicide cold case, she takes the job, no matter how unlikely it is to be solved.
Behind decades of rumours and theories—most of them scandalous and unsubstantiated—a portrait of an unconventional woman in a very conventional small town takes form, and the murder baffles even Waverly. The evidence and case files are gone, the leads from sixty years ago were dead ends, and while there is no shortage of suspects and motives, it seems impossible any of the witnesses are still alive—let alone the culprit.
On top of that, the mystery disappearance of the detective she’s been in love with since she was seventeen finally has some answers, but has led to even more questions. What actually befell him eleven years ago? What happened to The Crossroads Butcher?
And will her sister’s body ever be found?
Again, this one picks up right where the last one left off (or about thirty hours later).
Kindle | Kobo | iBooks | Nook | Payhip | Paperback | Hardcover | Signed Paperback on Etsy | Signed Hardcover on Etsy (sometimes gift boxes are also available)

For patrons, the bimonthly short is written and scheduled for October 30–this is Zara’s POV, from when Elis was little. It’s a Halloween one, obviously.
I have been planning to write this for ages. Originally it was going to be a wide release (and possibly a little longer) so you might have seen it briefly on my Upcoming page here a few years ago. But let’s be honest: everyone hates my short stories lol. I think they go into them expecting novels? I have no idea, maybe they’re just terrible, but I’ve actually taken the River short and novella off from sale widely (I think Rebellion is still at Kobo, maybe?) because I sell maybe one or two copies every one to two years, and they tend to get one-starred. Publishing is hard enough, it’s not worth the sanity points for something I might make thirty-five cents on.
But we’ve hit a point in Elis’s series where this event from her past–that both Elis has hinted about as well as Zara did in Future Days–is going to be relevant, so this seems like a great time to post it.
Also upcoming, as I think I mentioned here: a rare sighting of everyone’s favourite bog witch at Kobo in another week.
What I’m Working On
I don’t even know how to answer that at this point–I’ve got nothing I’m seriously writing, as I have to switch gears and get another round of final revision done in Alone at Night before it goes for editing.
There are three horror novels “in progress” by which I mean I have a few thousand words but nothing seriously chewing at me to be written. Waverly 7, too, but I’m trying to hold off on that one until a little bit more gels in my brain (we’ll see).
That, still, is basically all I want to be working on though. It’s all Waverly all the time in my head.

I think that speaks to my anxiety right now. It’s bad, but it’s that undercurrent of anxiety in the background that is nonstop, so there won’t be a moment where the tension releases (maybe some in two weeks when I find out if the shots are working or not, but there is still tax stuff, and pet expenses as Rodney’s anemia is confirmed to be worsening). There is a lot about Waverly that is reconnecting me with when I was a child and very alone and writing as a way to cope with anxiety and trauma because it’s mystery based, which is what I used to write back then, and has bits of Twin Peaks’ DNA in it.
It is also not selling, like, at all lol, so “write a thing basically only a dozen people will end up reading” might be what I need right now, because fewer readers should hopefully mean less hatemail.
Other than that, I’m just catching up on freelance stuff–I’m still behind on email from when I was on holidays as every email I send results in three more at this rate (not a bad thing! Email me as needed! I need/want work! Just prepare for longer wait times the deeper my answer needs to be!).
A Note About Patreon
Yeah Patreon is doing a…thing again.
Remember how it started as a return to the art patron model? Which is why it’s called “Patreon” and supporters were “patrons”?
Why keep doing a thing like that when they could mash it into an attempt at a social network blog site and push non-paying members on us?
I’m big mad. At least I found a way to turn the “join for free” button off of the main page.
If you want free updates, you’ll find them here at my blog or at my newsletter. Patreon is not the place for that. Patreon is where I make money, just like Kobo and Kindle and so on.
Anyone previously following me has now been converted to a “member”, which skews the number of patrons (and why I think, in part, they removed the “goal” feature). Only I have access to how many are paying.
This does not alter my milestone goal, it’s just that patrons will have to trust me with regards to the numbers. The dozen folks now listed as “members” are not eligible for the eventual contest, nor are their numbers counted toward it. They cannot join the write-ins. I do not blame anyone who wants to join for free, but trying to be clear about my terms–you still have to be an actual patron supporting my work monthly to get stuff there.

It’s taken three treadmill sessions to write this and now I have to be off again. My eyelid is twitching from eyestrain but I don’t have time for rest, so here we are.