Just to update on little Shawn–he had his second dental yesterday and he’s doing quite well today. It was very expensive–I’ve been saving for a year, leftover money from last year’s dental budget and then putting away money ever since (basically any smaller projects like formatting over the past year, you paid for Shawn’s surgery!), and now I’m totally cleaned out (dear god please buy my books*). It was actually two dollars MORE than what I’d spent a year saving.
Here he was flopping around last night:
His appetite was pretty good last night, though he was clearly still very stoned and confused.
For once I slept without chemical intervention, I’d only slept a few hours the night before and I’ve been awake and panicking for weeks with worry. I still woke up frequently to check on him, and he alternated between lying onto of his carrier beside the bed and curling up with me.
Then about half an hour after I fed him this morning, he tried to get me up like usual by meowing, and as you can hear, he’s purring like mad again (as usual).
It’s just about time for his pain meds, so we’ll do that in a few and I’ll get some coffee, and consider what to do for the day (probably clean).
But this is just to update that the little man is doing okay considering how much he just had taken out of him AND at least he’s still got his big iconic fangs, for now.
He’s totally worth the 10-15% of my gross annual income he costs me at the vet every year. 😭😭😭
I hope y’all have a lovely holiday and you’ll probably next hear from me here with a year-end recap (and if you’re on Patreon, you’re getting another Livi Christmas story tomorrow!).
*They’re on sale! 50% off everything at Payhip, coupon code SHAWNSTEETH at checkout! 😭