Twitter is just microblogging, so it should be too hard to remember what I’m doing.
Charon’s Gold is out in the world and I don’t have any hatemail yet, so there’s that, but last time it was a couple of months before it started. I’m about 50% sure much of it was from pirates, both due to when it started and because literally no one is as entitled as those who get everything free, but there were definitely those who bought who felt that gave them the right to yell at me.
The only one who has the right to yell at me is my cat, and at least he only does it because he wants me to replay his favourite song at bedtime.
Other release news: SURPRISE, Witch Hunt is ready a few weeks sooner than I expected! Paperback should be live soon and ebook is going up for all patrons tomorrow afternoon. (Note: for now, the finalized ebook is available to everyone; Dec 1 it’ll be $5+. Patreon bills upfront and then the first of the month, so wait and join Nov 1 if you’re debating.)

I’m about 60% of the way through another pass of Watcher of the Woods, then it can go to the editor.
I would’ve been done today but oh, look at that, I am a VERY lucky girl because my good friend went on a lengthy hero’s journey to gift me a PS5.

Her name is Lara. My electronics are all named after video game characters; my heavy work laptop is GLaDOS and my newer one I do most of my writing on is labeled GLaDOS-potato. The most finicky thing I’ve never had was a laptop named Sheogorath.
I debated a lot about my inaugural purchase–A Plague Tale: Requiem or The Last of Us: Part 1 (remake…yes, I’ve played it about ten times on two other systems, but why should that stop me again?). Both, though worth every penny, are full price, though–$80 and $90 respectively–and that’s just not in the cards right now. So I got some games on sale, including The Medium, which I’ve wanted to play for a while because Akira Yamaoka does the soundtrack with Mary Elizabeth McGlynn on vocals. SH3 had the best game soundtrack, as far as I’m concerned, and yes, I will absolutely be down for any game with the two of them.
Luckily, it’s fun, and I spent this afternoon lounging in bed playing it. I’d feel guilty, but I spent the last five weekends working full hours atop 10- to 12-hour workdays the rest of the week. I am fucking exhausted, so I’m resting.
Shawn got a box out of the deal, so he’s happy.
Of my books on sale right now: Demons of Oblivion: The Series is 30% off at Kobo with the coupon code OCTBOX at checkout; Dweller on the Threshold is $2.99. Both deals end Oct 31.
Speaking of sales, Sarah Gailey’s Just Like Home is on sale for $2.99. I have done very little pleasure reading this year, sadly, but that’s one that I did get a chance to read and it’s fabulous. I wish I’d written it. It’s about trauma and loving monsters; it pulls no punches and it’s true. I highly recommend it. (If you are turned off by something described as “beautiful prose”, give the sample a read first, but honestly I found it exceptionally done, and I burst into tears at the end when I got to the author’s note.)

I think I stopped blogging because I feel kind of boring? But then this is exactly what I say on Twitter, and people follow that, so *shrug*
Wednesday, my goal is to finish the pass on Watcher so I can figure out how to finish Waverly 4 this month (that book is…a fucking mess, as I have had no idea what I’m doing, but at least eventually it’s going to be a finished mess). Then passes on Soul Spell and The Killing Beach so they can go out for edits, and I’ll be ahead of the game.
I leave you with my favourite song from my favourite game soundtrack, and I guess…I’ll keep doing this? Maybe twice a week? We’ll see.
(Regarding soundtracks, I should’ve had Charon’s Gold‘s playlist up today but…I’m playing with my new toy! So, later.)