Months ago I said I’d get some more books listed on Etsy. I finally did this week, mostly because I’m saving up for some dental work for Shawn not to mention I want some senior wellness checks on my two cats who turned ten this year; September cleaned me out, because while I had Shawn’s wellness check planned and budgeted, I had to get a new laptop at the start of the month and then lost my nineteen-year-old cat at the end of the month.
Of course I looked at the boxes Shawn was sitting on and thought hey! I have a stack of unsold stock here!

It does cost money to keep a lot of listings at Etsy, which is why I wasn’t in a rush to do it. But the holidays are approaching and I was informed at the post office today that parcel delivery will be slooooow (and for some countries nonexistent), so now’s a good time for gifts buying!
I’ve got Elis, Livi, and The Silent Places up, plus two gift boxes are left for Blood Ties and The Silent Places. The gift boxes are just that: packaged in an attractive gift box (which is shipped wrapped in kraft paper) with the signed book and other often handmade goodies, so all you have to do is stick a gift tag on it and put it under the tree (or whatever your tradition is).
I have a few extra beaded bracelets I’ve made that I’ve been waiting to put together in a gift box, but I might list a couple separately to see if they sell. (I’ll poke at that this weekend.)

Etsy link is here:
I do refund shipping overcharges if I get to the post office and it’s cheaper than expected, and if you buy a couple of things, I’ll ship them together and that usually cuts down on shipping fees as well.
If you’re local and want a book, hit me up rather than use Etsy–I can take payment via e-transfer and make arrangements for pickup.
That’s about all that’s new here–I’m just super drained after the usual not-great birthday, especially losing Reuben when I did. I didn’t think he’d make it to the end of the year but he slid downhill that last week fast. Shawn’s been a little lost–he kept looking for Reuben in his usual spots, and I wish I could’ve taken him with me to the vet so he could’ve seen the euthanasia and hopefully understood on some level. He’s doing better now, though (when he’s not nagging me to clean the bathtub, disrespectful little fucker).
I need to do a quarterly book state of the union here, but I’m pretty exhausted with my shitty health and all the other stressors, so look for that hopefully next week. At least I’ll have news, which I did not anticipate having during the July one!
Hi Skyla! Anna here. Judy’s old friend.
I was the one from the Drama Club that gave an eulogy.
Can you email a list of the different book sets you have at home? I now can afford to buy some! I live in Trent Lakes near Bobcaygeon but we can drive to you and I can pick up the books and give you cash!
I’d like to get some at the end of the month. How does $300.00 worth sound?
My phone number is 705-738-9700 if you’d rather call me.
Sent you an email, Anna!