We’re two weeks out from Livi Talbot’s return!
I’m awash with feelings over this.
I love this book. I do. It has things I’ve been excited to write for several years now, back when I first wrote Solomon’s Seal in 2012. (If you ever wonder whether writers know everything in advance, I can’t answer for others–and I am certainly surprised by some things myself–but I’ve known a lot of the big set pieces and tent pole moments from the start, so yes, I’ve always known where this is going–in fact I only get a little fuzzy with the details around book nine or so, though I do know the very final series ending).
I’m excited for people to read this book.
I’m terrified for people to read this book.
So many feels are wrapped up into this book, given that I was writing it when I first got The Psych Kittens, and writing it again when Gus died. And as I get deeper into the series, I recognize more and more these books–beyond the fun window-dressing of adventure and fantastical elements–are about confronting and unpacking past trauma, which I know not everyone signed up for and won’t stick around for, probably.
With everyone release I worry that it’ll be the one that kills the series enjoyment for folks. And I know sometimes it is–some readers inevitably fall off the series, whether due to it not meeting their expectation or the wait between releases. Nothing I can do about that–I can just deliver the best book I’m capable of and this, this, is definitely it at this point. It’s the best book I could make it, the best I’m capable of. It’s a big, messy book, with a lot of big, messy bits of me in it, and a lot of people worked really hard on helping me get it out there to people.
So we’ve got two weeks to go. And despite knowing it’s foolish for me to be anxious–because book releases aren’t like movie releases, or music releases, since with very few exceptions they are not something people read/finish immediately, so I know it’ll be met with initial silence–I still remain nervous and terrified and hopeful as we near the release date.
If you’ve not preordered yet, it’s up absolutely everywhere, including available at Amazon now in paperback and I’ll have signed copies at Etsy in another week or two. If you absolutely must read right now, you can also get it at Payhip in all ebook formats.