In October I had $1100 in vet bills (and I lost Marcus), food poisoning, and a very bad cold that has left me in bed for a week and that I’m still recovering from. Now I have a cat with a bad ear infection and aural hematoma to contend with, so the rest of the year is probably going to be garbage.
Anyway! I finished writing a thing while I was drugged up with NyQuil and posted it today for Patrons. Surprise!
It’s not a story, in that there is no standard structure or anything. It’s just writing I was doing for myself that I thought I’d provide for patrons as they await the next book.
Next is the new River story coming for Christmas–I have to do a revision pass before I send it for copyedits (preferably when I’m not drugged up on NyQuil). Funny thing about dipping back into that world–last night the whole final story bloomed in my head, the one I want to do after Wolfe that’s set about a decade+ after the initial series.
I haven’t the time–too much else to write, and I haven’t done the Wolfe revisions yet anyway–but it’s weird how something sneaks up on you. For now, the image of River climbing into a blind to attack a hunter and threaten him for being on her property–and then stealing his rifle–will remain in my brain.