So I basically haven’t posted since December.
The primary reason was that every. fucking. time. I signed in, I triggered more issues with the website hack. I still can’t figure out what happened, but it was safer if I just stayed off until I had time to do some things. I’ve removed various unnecessary plugins, changed all passwords across the board, and simplified things in the hopes that eases some of the troubles.
I am so, so sorry if you were following the blog wherever and got the random “HEREISTITLE” notifications all the time. Without paying for help, I was on my own trying to fix it, and entirely lost. If it happens again, I’ll probably nuke the site from orbit and restart (I’m exporting everything I need right now).
I’m not the only one–Wordpress sites all over were being attacked, but I’ve noticed my resource usage stats holding lower lately, so fingers crossed that’s done. I still use Cloudflare most of the time, and I apologize to visitors as I know it’s a pain, but it’s the only way to lower traffic and keep my site online during attacks.
I’ve also cleaned up a little around here with a shiny new homepage. There’s more I want to do, but it was time for a change and this will do for now.
Book News:
Patreon reversed their decision on fee changes. Thank god. I’ve picked up new patrons in the New Year, enough to afford my regular medication.
If you want to kick in monthly but not through Patreon, I’m still waiting for the launch of Drip, and I also have a few other options. I have no shame at this point given my elderly dog’s health issues, toss pennies in the tip jar any time you like.
For book stuff: Tiger’s Memory continues apace for the West Is Best Club at Patreon. Livi #3 is with my beta and I’m aiming for a June release. I am more than likely continuing with the series and Livi #4 will be set later in the year.
I’m currently working on stuff for Patreon, for-pay writing projects, Livi #5, and my gothic romance novel.
I’m putting a hold on pursuing audiobooks, unfortunately. I can’t conceivably pay thousands up front (Livi books would be 11-12 finished hours to produce) and it’s tricky getting the right person on board for royalty share. Some auditions are outright terrible as well, and I don’t have the energy to listen to people butcher Livi & West. Livi needs a very specific voice and I’ll either do it right or not at all.
I have a bazillion things I’d like to blog about but that’ll be on hold as I do more work stuff right now, but I promise it’ll be a much shorter absence than last time.