Hello! I have books for sale that make excellent gifts for the holidays if you know someone who has AMAZING taste in literature!
$10USD + shipping each, although I’ll do the bundle of five Demons of Oblivion paperbacks for $45.
Here’s what I currently have in stock–I’ll edit the list as needed. I’m also in a tight spot for money so if I’m out of stock and you REALLY want something, holler and I’ll send you the author copy from my shelf (I can always replace another time).
Solomon’s Seal (Livi Talbot #1) x 3 2 0
Odin’s Spear (Livi Talbot #2) x 3 2 0
Hauntings (with Dina James–my novella is Livi Talbot 2.5) x 3 2 0
River (River Wolfe #1) x 2 1
Bloodlines (Demons of Oblivion #1) x 2
Hunter (Demons of Oblivion #2) x 2
Lineage (Demons of Oblivion #3) x 2
Exhumed (Demons of Oblivion #4) x 2 1
Oblivion (Demons of Oblivion #5) x 2 1
Let me know who you’d like it signed to, or I can just include my signed name. I’ll also throw in bookmarks and if you get the set of five Demons of Oblivion books, I’ll throw in a proper swag pack with stickers, booksmarks, a postcard, and keychain.
You can pay now for your books and I’ll invoice later for the cost of shipping. International people are welcome to buy but if you’re outside North America, I may need you to basically put in a down payment toward shipping because I can’t necessarily make up the difference right now until reimbursement.
I also have a limited number of Aunt Judy’s out of print books available–obviously they wouldn’t be signed, but some aren’t available anywhere. Leave a comment if you’d like some and I’ll double check my stock–I think there’s Lady Blue, Leading Ladies, Through All Eternity…maybe Teacher’s Pet and Love by the Pound. $5/each, all size-positive romances.
Pick your books and do the math–$10 USD ea (or the five-book Oblivion set for $45)–and PayPal me at: paypal.me/SkylaDawnCameron. I won’t ship without the initial payment and you’ll receive a PayPal invoice for the shipping when I get everything sent off.
FYI: I can’t predict shipping. $5 – $10 in Canada. $10 – $15 in the US. It all depends on how many books. I usually choose the cheapest option unless directed otherwise.
If you’d like to treat yourself to ebooks, you can buy direct on Payhip, all formats available.
Another thing that makes an AWESOME gift for the writer in your life? Buy them something from my design shop. I’ve done covers before as a gift for a friend’s WIP, or if you have a friend self-pubbing, you can get them a down payment on that editing package they need. If you’d also like to package up a book in print for a family member and not for sale, I can help you with that! (Print through a place like Lulu: you can leave the project private, print one copy and delete it from their system if you want–I’ve done it.)