So as FB and Twitter followers know, I’ve been poking at Oblivion. I’m about a quarter of the way through. Sometimes pages fly by, other times I have to pluck each and every word from my brain (it’s as painful as it sounds). The structure’s worked out, though, and the big tent pole moments have mostly been figured out, and I know how it ends. I’m also ensuring even Ryann and Zara get small sections, so everyone gets their moment with the reader, and a solid epilogue.*
A couple of brief teasers have been posted at Alchemy Red–it’s a closed group but anyone’s free to join, so please check it out if you’re so inclined and would like to connect with other readers.
I’ve also just posted a couple of chapters (about fourteen pages) for Patrons of Snark, if you want to catch up with Mishka and get a peek at Oblivion. I’ll look at posting more snippets there as I can (in lieu of working on Amends right now).
There is also the domain I finally have running as a series hub. It’s still in progress and I’ll be adding some desktop wallpaper featuring the cover art and that. If you think of anything else I should add, just let me know.
I know some of you have been waiting for this book for three years now. I’m sorry for the delay but I’m hoping the kinks are worked out and this will happen tentatively next spring. Once a draft is complete and I’ve worked out a schedule with my beta and my copyeditor, I’ll set a date and get the book up for pre-order. I’m also looking at finishing Heaven’s Choice and releasing that a little ahead of time to lead into Oblivion.
I appreciate your patience and understanding, and for not yelling at me, and hope to hell I can pull this damn book off.
* I was going to warn that I am not even trying to make this book easy to follow if you’ve skipped the other books, but I’m pretty sure anyone who skipped Hunter/Lineage isn’t reading for the plot and won’t bother with the series conclusion anyway. For loyal readers, though, I’m hoping Zara and Nate will have at least a single moment appropriate for them and the story as thanks for sticking with the series.