(I’m excited. I might be the only one, but I had loads of fun with this story.)
If River is a story about what it’s like being in a body where you don’t belong and fighting that with every fiber of your being, Rebellion is about what it’s like to recognize you’re living a lie and can choose another path.
Without further ado, here is the blurb and buying/reading info.
Rebellion follows werewolf Daryl Marsden as he rediscovers River, the wolf he changed into a human girl three years ago.
Haunted by past mistakes and the need to right them now, Daryl struggles hide the truth behind the night he changed the white wolf and to pass along the rules and history given to him by his father: assimilate with humans, hide what you truly are. But River defies his plans, instead awakening the wolf in him, leaving Daryl with the choice of following the path he’s been forced on or giving in to his true nature.
The story takes place during the first half of River, from Daryl Marsden’s POV–there are a collection of scenes from the book that appear from his point of view, and then a chunk of the story is sort of “lost scenes” that never made it into the book (you’ll see when you get there). As such, it’s more of a companion to the novel.
So this is the short (er, novella) I’d hoped to include with the re-release of River but hadn’t been well enough to write. It’s no longer feasible to add it to existing editions of the book being sold–it’s hella-long and would increase the paperback’s size and price a lot, so as mentioned previously, I’m doing a special week-long event where you can read it free, and then it’ll be for sale only. Daily from Monday March 16 to Thursday March 19, a new part will be posted. It’ll stay live through Friday, and then come down again.
If you want to read immediately, you can buy a copy in my online shop. Remember, I can’t sell to EU countries, but you can also buy through Payhip as they’re taking care of VAT for me.
I’m undecided as to whether or not it’ll be available elsewhere later.
Patrons: you still have access to this. You don’t need to buy, PDF EPUB and MOBI are available here.
This story is not standalone.
(I made that big letters so you can’t miss it.)
It doesn’t make sense without having read the novel, and I didn’t bother trying to make it accessible to newbies. You can buy River on Kindle, Kobo, Nook, OmniLit, Smashwords, iTunes, Payhip, and direct and you’ve got the weekend to read and catch up. If buying direct or on Payhip, enter the coupon code “rebellion” (no quotes) to save 25%.
Another argument in favour of getting the current edition of River: the scenes in Rebellion that line up with River’s previously seen POV are based on the 2014 version and not the old one. Scenes and dialogue changed. So don’t complain if it doesn’t match the 2006 version. 😛
If soundtracks are your thing, that posts on Sunday.
Also, this contains mature subject matter. River is YA, I guess, due to the age of the protag, so this should be as well, but I’d label Rebellion age 14+. I *think* anyone reading my blog is likely an adult, but just an FYI, read it before handing it to your twelve-year-old. It’s darker than River.
The title comes from a specific line of Gray’s in the latter fifth of the novel: “I still have no idea what possessed him to rebel like that.” Daryl’s story, from the time he was fourteen and changed her, straight through to when he finds her again, is about a building rebellion. This story chronicles a glimpse of it.