These arrived yesterday.
Any concern about Createspace’s quality is nonexistent–they came out lovely.
The books are 5×8, 272 pages. It looks quite a bit thicker than the original River paperback at that size.
In reality, the novel is only a touch longer than the original version–River 1.0 was about 71K, River 2.0 is about 76K. Nothing added, some scenes trimmed, and still a little on the long end for a YA novel.
I’m hoping to get everything signed and mailed out next week (this week was absolutely wretched on the health front so I’m hesitant to make any firm plans in case there’s a repeat). When I’ve worked out shipping, I’ll be selling signed paperbacks in my shop here as well.
Once I can get the print rights back to Bloodlines next year, I’ll re-release the Demons of Oblivion series in paperback as well and sell signed copies here too. And actually make more than 80c a book, which’ll be a nice change of pace.
*trundles back to bed*
They do look lovely; well done Skyla
I hope you feel better soon!! The books look wonderful! 🙂
Hi Skyla, on another note I’ve just found you’re serial -COA and was going to leave a donation, but I couldn’t link to PayPal. Is that link still live? If not any suggestions?