Today’s the day. River’s been resurrected from my harddrive and is now once again available for purchase.
Kindle people:
iBookstore shoppers:
ARe/OmniLit (multi-formats):
Smashwords (multi-formats):
Buy Direct (multi-formats):
$3.99 everywhere.
Nook will likely be live within a week; Kobo…could be months for all I know. epub files work on various ereaders, though, and are available from most of those sellers (including me). Print should be available September 1, I’m still sorting that out now.
The River Blog Tour is underway this week and you can win stuff. The stops here will be updated daily with links to the direct posts. (I will *not* be updating my blog with the stops because I will be working and in bed; bookmark that page and/or follow Melissa on Twitter and FB because she’s running this thing.)
If you’re wondering “Is this one any different than the original version?” the answer is yes and no. The basic story and characters remain but entire sections were rewritten, some unnecessary scenes were removed, and it received an overall update. There is a post going up on Thursday for the tour that details this.
And it is also probably a very bad idea to try pirating this book because I already nixed the third in the series for that reason and it’ll make me really angry right now because I cannot afford to write for no compensation. So pirates who hit my site several times a day, please have a conscience and support content creators so we can produce more books for you to read rather than the torrents that line the pockets of criminals. If you want to try before you buy, you’ll find the first seven chapters here.
I had hoped to include a different POV short story (like I do with the Demons of Oblivion series) but did not have the time. I still plan to write it sometime this fall and will make it a free download. It’s not necessary to follow the sequel, but it’s the kind of thing that broadens the overall world and characters, which you know I like to do. Details to follow.
For my brilliant self-marketing: you might like this book if you prefer animals to people, like wolves, or dig something a little different. There are no explosions or hot sex in this one but please don’t hold that against the book. Also, if you buy a copy, it can help me buy meal replacement drinks which I have to live on now, and some cat food for the hoard, and I’d really very much like that.
Defiant, nocturnal, moody–though River sounds like a typical teenager, she’s anything but. River’s a werewolf.
The life of an alpha female wolf was irrevocably changed the night she was attacked and bitten, and awoke confused, alone, and human. Three years later, thrust into a world where she doesn’t belong and living in foster care, River barely tolerates humanity and still doesn’t know who bit her or why.
But River isn’t as alone as she previously thought; someone’s been watching her, someone who holds the answers she’s been seeking. And though the human who changed her seems to be a step ahead of her at every turn, River is determined to beat his game and return to her pack and mate.
As if being stuck in a world she hates, with a life she never asked for, and faced with a destiny she doesn’t want wasn’t bad enough, River still must find a way to survive every human’s greatest challenge: high school.