This year’s resolution is simple and yet hard for me. It is only one thing.
It is sort of an ongoing thing in my life I find humorous: if I want something but don’t do it–and the reasons can vary but usually center around me being a control freak who doesn’t like change–I’ll get knocked into it anyway.
If I don’t leap, the Universe will push me.
So yeah. I get it. I can take the hint. I will start leaping.
To that end, I decided a few days ago to entirely scrap my writing schedule for January – March of this year. I had deadlines jotted down including for-pay projects and other writing I wanted to do, but you what? I busted my ass in the fall and I have writing money coming during those months that’ll cover most of my bills because of it. I’m taking January to fast-draft a book I really want to write. I’ve earned it.
I might regret that when I get nothing for April royalties, but this is me taking an opportunity I worked for and leaping.
What are you resolving to do this year?
Melissa (My words and pages) says
Happy New Year! And here’s to an amazing year for you. I’m hoping all works out great for you. You kind of knew the universe was pushing you that way. So take full advantage of it! 😀
Skyla Dawn says
And a wonderful New Year to you as well. Bloody hell, we NEED a good year.
Melissa (My words and pages) says
Here, here!