So, this group? The Cat Care Spay/Neuter Initiative? It’s local and was founded to deal with the feral cat problem here.
It’s such an issue in this area because vacationers/cottagers often get a kitten for the summer, or well-meaning people feed stray cats at their cottages, and then the cats are abandoned come fall. There’s a huge influx of cats right before winter. Some die in the cold when there’s no food left, while others live on and just start breeding and breeding, creating feral colonies. Cats who grow up in feral colonies without any human contact can’t be placed for adoption, although their kittens often can be socialized.
The CCSNI traps ferals, spays and neuters them, and then returns them to their colonies. They also rescue kittens and abandoned pet cats, and places them in foster and adoptive homes.
They need money to do this. If you want to send them some, I certainly won’t stop you: head to the website to donate by PayPal. (ETA: if you donate in January, forward the receipt to my friend Shai and you can win stuff!)
But they also do a lot of fundraisers. In a few months, they’ll be holding a fundraiser comedy show in a nearby town and they also have a silent auction that night. Local businesses as well as everyday citizens donate items–books, gift cards, baskets of pet treats, knitted goods, jewelry, etc–and guests at the show bid on them. There are usually two or three hundred people there, I believe.
Do you have stuff? Stuff people would want to bid on? Awesome goodies you can donate? We’d love to have them.
You can ship things to me and I’ll see that they get listed.
P.O. Box 1833
Campbellford, ON
K0L 1L0
The event is late February, so if you can get anything sent to me by at least two to three weeks prior, that would be fabulous.
Do it for the kitties like Vincent, Miss Dinah, and Rodney Ballsnomore, who were all abandoned in this area.
Danni says
The usual Tim Tam pack?
Skyla Dawn says
If you could, that would be wonderful. Everyone seems to love TimTams!